Our Mission

The Council for California Land Trusts Action Fund (CCLT Action Fund) was established to promote conservation and stewardship of natural resources and funding for conservation efforts in the State of California. Activities will include encouraging public and legislative support for conservation policies and state bond measures in furtherance of land trust priorities.

Our Purpose

The land trust community has identified two top priorities: capacity building and conservation funding policy. In service to these priorities:

  1. California Council of Land Trusts launched two grant opportunities for land trusts and their partners to help the state of California meet its goals in Pathways to 30x30 and the Natural and Working Lands Climate Smart Strategy:
    1. Capacity Building Grants (Closed as of September 20, 2024)
    2. Project Advancement Grants (Closed as of October 18, 2024)

  2. With state funding resources drying up, we formed the CCLT Action Fund to represent the land trust community effectively and support advocacy and access to enhanced state resources. Learn more >>